Christoph Grabo (asaaki) (asaaki)
Holistic Engineer. Methodical Deep Thinker. Glue. — It's easier to develop a product than to develop a culture. — [he/him, they/them]
Charlas que ha dado
Eventos en los que se apuntó
- June 2023 - last minute edition
- April Meetup 2023
- Outdoors Social Gathering - July 2022
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - June 2022
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - May 2022 meetup
- January Meetup
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - November 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - September 2021
- August 2021 Outdoor social gathering
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - July 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - Mai 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - April 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - March 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - February 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - January 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - December 2020
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - November 2020
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - Oktober 2020
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - September 2020
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - August 2020
- July Meetup 2020 (remote)
- June Meetup 2020 (remote) / CANCELLED
- May Meetup 2020 (remote)
- First ever remote RUG::B
- March Meetup 2020
- December Meetup 2019
- November Meetup 2019
- September Meetup 2019
- August BBQ Meetup 2019
- May Meetup 2019
- March Meetup 2019
- October Meetup 2018
- July Meetup 2018
- March Meetup 2018
- January Meetup 2018
- December Meetup 2017
- June Meetup 2017
- May Meetup 2017
- March Meetup 2017
- December Meetup 2016
- August Meetup 2016
- July Meetup 2016
- May Meetup Anniversary 2016
- April Meetup 2016
- March Meetup 2016
- February Meetup 2016
- January Meetup 2016
- December Meetup 2015
- November Meetup 2015
- September Meetup 2015
- August Meetup 2015 (The grand rubyweek finale!)
- July Meetup 2015
- June Meetup 2015
- May meetup 2015
- April Meetup 2015
- March meetup 2015
- February Meetup 2015
- January Meetup 2015
- December Meetup 2014
- November Meetup 2014
- October Meetup 2014
- September Meetup 2014
- August Meetup 2014
- July Meetup 2014
- May Meetup 2014
- June Meetup 2014
- April Meetup 2014
- March Meetup 2014
- February Meetup 2014
- January Meetup 2014
- December Meetup 2013
- November Meetup
- October Meetup
- August Meetup
- September Meetup
- July Meetup
- June Meetup
- May Meetup
- April Meetup
- March Meetup
- Febuary Meetup
- New Year Meetup
- December Meetup
Charlas que te gustaron
- Metaphors are Everywhere: Ideas to Improve Software Development
- Crafting a Database Engine: how DBs do what they do
- eurucamp Reflection: The Diverse Limelight
- Let's talk documentation
- My experience using Turbo Streams in production
- Gem and Bundler Internals
- Learning Pattern Matching through Poker
- Game Development using DragonRuby Game Toolkit
- You can be part of the difference: dealing with bad players in communities
- Bridgetown: Ruby on the Jamstack, or, Why I Forked Jekyll
- How I learned to love legacy code, and why you should too
- Full Metal Rüst
- Developing a security mindset
- Thomas Edison vs Three Teslas in a Trenchcoat
- Hanami::API
- Let's build a point of sale system, with a Vue or two!
- The Lost Art of Single File Ruby Programs
- Developer Mental Health & Mental Development
- Breaking Silos In Product Development
- Turn It Up To 11 - Scaling Rails To 100k rps
- Hanami 2.0 - Why are we changing stuff.
- Benchmarking your code, inside and out
- Do You Need That Validation? Let Me Call You Back About It
- How DevRel is failing communities
- Taming Distributed Systems with Code
- The Imposter Syndrome
- Get rid of IF/ELSE use more objects, do more OOP
- Beyond Mind Hacks: Refactor your Thoughtware with Memetic Engineering
- JWT Multi Account Roles
- Reactive Ruby: build high performant web apps with JRuby and Ratpack
- GraphQL for Rails - How GitHub uses GraphQL internally
- Replacing ActiveRecord callbacks with Pub/Sub
- A developer's nightmare: Dealing with time and dates in Ruby and Rails
- Securing your APIs with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- "Don't Spill the Beans" - Keeping Secrets in Production
- Speed up with CDNs
- A better logging experience
- Do's and Don'ts of Code Reviews
- Modern frontends without Javascript
- Living with Tricky Bugs
- The Neo4j.rb Project
- Elixir & Phoenix - fast, concurrent and explicit
- Refactoring VAT in SpreeCommerce and Solidus
- About Semantic Versioning
- A short introduction into InfluxDB
- Building a microservice with RabbitMQ and Sneakers
- Burn Your Idiomatic Ruby
- Ruby on Rust
- Criticizing git
- Docker - why we shouldn't use it
- An introduction to neural networks with Ruby
- The Earth in Ruby and Postgres
- Growing a LISP
- Everything is one, except for zero
- Bundler to Rubygems - Long Live the Gemfile
- Enumerator is an Enumerable 💃
- 💌 Idiosyncratic Ruby 💌
- Smalltalk: a lost relic
- Empowerment. What does that even mean?
- 💀 Symbols
- Rails – Beyond the asset pipeline
- Reproducible work environments
- Unicode, a 💌
- The Crystal Programming Language
- Let’s build a CPU with Ruby!
- Mapping the Ruby world, an exercise in biased Cartography
- Deployments - from 3 h to 3 minutes
- Creating games using entities and components
- A summer full of Code - The Code_Padawans journey with Rails Girls Summer of Code
- Smalltalk, Lisp, and Shell: Three Interesting Languages
- A primer on Content Security Policy
- Better Composition with Traits
- Introduction to Statemachines
- Ruby: The Bad Parts
- Guacamole
- Simple Systems
- Building Hypermedia APIs with Yaks
- Ruby on small devices
- A revolutionary idea: why not use a job queue system for your job queue?
- What the cache?!
- Full Metal Rüby
- How is magic formed? A short excursion into Ruby internals
- I Am Designer (And So Can You!)
- Death to Cookies
- Five Refinements [lightning / april]
- Migrating databases like a Pro!
- Tricky testing
- Ruby Storm - Distributed work on a self-scaling system using RabbitMQ
- Our Rails-like Javascript Framework: A Tale About Reinventing the Wheel
- Being Matz for a day
- Functional Programming Demystified
- Browsing a codebase with ctags (Lightning Talk)
- Introduction to Go for Rubyists
- WebRTC Signaling powered by Ruby's EventMachine
- Describe Objects with Virtus
- Microservices