Our last meetup before christmas! Join us, enjoy great talks and have fun!


Being Matz for a day

Let's be Matz for a day and explore two powerful yet unorthodox specializations of Ruby black magic:

  • Creating our own AST transformations to bend the syntax of Ruby to our wicked will.
  • JIT-compiling Ruby code with LLVM at runtime.

Let's play God. What could possibly go wrong?


I would love to introduce you to the open source NoSQL database ArangoDB :) I'm part of the Core Team and among other things work on the Ruby driver and the ORM for Ruby (with a focus on Rails): I'd like to show those gems as well :)

ArangoDB is an open source NoSQL database which is not narrow-mindedly focused on horizontal scalability. Instead, ArangoDB aims to offer developers great flexibility and ease-of-use. The database is suitable for use cases which are difficult to implement with most traditional relational databases and also many of the other NoSQL databases.

The Art of Getting What You Want

When you're programming every day, developing soft skills tends to get put on the back burner. I would like to share part of what I've learned over the past five years of brute-forcing my way through learning how to negotiate more effectively, and in doing so, show how better negotiation skills can make a massive difference in the life of J. Random Developer.

Attendees: (43)

Christoph Grabo (asaaki)
Events: 83
Topics: 1

Niall Burkley
Events: 22
Topics: 2

Josep M. Bach
Events: 10
Topics: 2

Andrew Slotin
Events: 4
Topics: 0

Jan Lelis
Events: 51
Topics: 7

Thilo Utke
Events: 23
Topics: 0

Nicolas Fricke
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Phil Hansch
Events: 16
Topics: 1

Jana Vogel
Events: 9
Topics: 0

Lucas Dohmen
Events: 3
Topics: 2


Tobias Pfeiffer
Events: 105
Topics: 15

Bodo Tasche 🔭
Events: 40
Topics: 3

Marta Paciorkowska
Events: 9
Topics: 0

Jan Schulte
Events: 18
Topics: 3

Rotem Harel
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Don Werve
Events: 2
Topics: 1

Laura Eck
Events: 10
Topics: 0

Jen Geacone-Cruz
Events: 8
Topics: 0

Mati Sójka
Events: 3
Topics: 1

Amir Friedman
Events: 12
Topics: 0

mark bate
Events: 5
Topics: 0

Nico Hagenburger
Events: 3
Topics: 1

Events: 1
Topics: 0

Events: 1
Topics: 0

Julian Fischer
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Greg Karékinian
Events: 22
Topics: 1

Erik Michaels-Ober
Events: 10
Topics: 3

Events: 8
Topics: 0

Łukasz Piestrzeniewicz
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Mike Szyndel
Events: 9
Topics: 1

Matteo Cassese
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Ben Zimmer
Events: 11
Topics: 0

Moritz Heiber
Events: 6
Topics: 0

Matthias Günther
Events: 20
Topics: 5

fredrik wallberg
Events: 6
Topics: 0

André Wendt
Events: 6
Topics: 0

Events: 11
Topics: 0

Martin Schneider
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Kacper Bielecki
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Matt Patterson
Events: 11
Topics: 1

Simon Stemplinger
Events: 6
Topics: 0

(((Andrei Ursan)))
Events: 8
Topics: 0

Tibor Claassen
Events: 8
Topics: 0
