DaWanda has an old cinema as part of their offices, which is where we this RUG::B will be hosted! It is accessible through the "Snuggery" (their offline shop) and the backyard. There will be way signs. Also there will be Pizza and drinks!
Functional Programming Demystified
It's a face off between the theoretical and the practical!
We'll explore the theoretical backbone of FP and how these ideas can be practically applied in Ruby.
What's up with all this talk of functional programming language? Why do functional programmers use terms like "referential transparency" and "persistent data structures"? What do these terms even mean? Why should I care, I write Ruby?!?
If you've ever wondered why FP is the talk of the town and how the ideas of FP can make you write better Ruby code, then this talk is for you.
Browsing a codebase with ctags (Lightning Talk)
I was always asking myself how I can browse a code base of bigger written ruby library. I want to share with you what I did and what my current work flow looks like.
This will be a lightning talk - I already gave this talk at vimberlin september 2013.
Best regards
A simple yet powerful HTTP client for JRuby
Http clients... how hard can it be? Not very hard when you are running JRuby. But unfortunately I have not found a single good wrapper around one of those rock solid Java libraries. That is why I went out and wrote a simple, minimal yet powerful wrapper around Apache HTTPClient. It leverages everything that is good in Ruby, but leaves all the dirty work for the underlying library. After I put it in use for my project, I thought that other people might enjoy this too.
This talk will be about Ruby timeout issues, wrapping a Java library and an overview on the http client itself.
Attendees: (61)
Andreas Böhrnsen
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Christoph Grabo (asaaki)
Events: 83
Topics: 1
Amer Jazaerli
Events: 6
Topics: 0
Felix Mohnert
Events: 14
Topics: 0
Lukas Rieder
Events: 20
Topics: 7
Simon Hönscheid
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Maik Kempe
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Tobias Pfeiffer
Events: 105
Topics: 15
Jonas Forsberg
Events: 3
Topics: 0
Laura Eck
Events: 10
Topics: 0
Jan Lelis
Events: 51
Topics: 7
Konrad Gibaszewski
Events: 6
Topics: 0
Paul Götze
Events: 63
Topics: 1
Pere Urbón-Bayes
Events: 6
Topics: 3
Events: 1
Topics: 3
Ryan Levick
Events: 3
Topics: 3
Marta Paciorkowska
Events: 9
Topics: 0
Jan Schulte
Events: 18
Topics: 3
Paul H. Müller
Events: 1
Topics: 1
Chad Fowler
Events: 3
Topics: 0
Events: 14
Topics: 0
Greg Karékinian
Events: 22
Topics: 1
Events: 11
Topics: 0
Carmen Berros
Events: 11
Topics: 0
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Events: 22
Topics: 0
Beatriz Febles
Events: 13
Topics: 0
Events: 8
Topics: 0
Sergio Gil Pérez de la Manga
Events: 33
Topics: 3
Thilo Utke
Events: 23
Topics: 0
Carsten Zimmermann
Events: 4
Topics: 0
Matthias Günther
Events: 20
Topics: 5
Events: 8
Topics: 0
Pericles Theodorou
Events: 7
Topics: 0
Luismi Cavallé
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Niall Burkley
Events: 22
Topics: 2
Amir Friedman
Events: 12
Topics: 0
Camila Ayres
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Events: 3
Topics: 0
Govinda Fichtner
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Mike Szyndel
Events: 9
Topics: 1
Marcel Scherf
Events: 3
Topics: 0
Markus Krogemann
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Mark Rambow
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Christoph Bünte
Events: 8
Topics: 0
Nico Hagenburger
Events: 30
Topics: 3
Jen Geacone-Cruz
Events: 8
Topics: 0
Daniel Schoppmann
Events: 2
Topics: 0
michele with one L
Events: 2
Topics: 1
Andre Pankratz
Events: 9
Topics: 0
Phil Hansch
Events: 16
Topics: 1
Tibor Claassen
Events: 8
Topics: 0
Ben Zimmer
Events: 11
Topics: 0
Ernesto Miguez
Events: 3
Topics: 0
Lucas Mbiwe
Events: 4
Topics: 0
Alex Coles
Events: 9
Topics: 1
Tilmann Singer
Events: 26
Topics: 0
Events: 6
Topics: 0
Dorthe Luebbert
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Hugo Duksis
Events: 11
Topics: 0
Josep M. Bach
Events: 10
Topics: 2