February Meetup 2014 (06.02. 19:30)
- Customizable Gems [lightning talk]
- Assets on Rails
- Getting started with open source [lightning]
- Easy hadoop scheduling with JRuby and Sinatra
- Tricky testing
January Meetup 2014 (09.01. 19:30)
- Introduction to Go for Rubyists
- Our Rails-like Javascript Framework: A Tale About Reinventing the Wheel
- How SMACSS saved my Code - Testdriving your frontend
- introduction to RVM 2 architecture (Berlin Edition) (lightning talk)
December Meetup 2013 (05.12. 19:30)
November Meetup (07.11. 19:30)
- Provisioning for dummies.
- Functional Programming Demystified
- Browsing a codebase with ctags (Lightning Talk)
- A simple yet powerful HTTP client for JRuby
October Meetup (10.10. 19:30)
- WebRTC Signaling powered by Ruby's EventMachine
- Describe Objects with Virtus
- create custom datatypes with postgres for rails 4
September Meetup (05.09. 19:30)
- Microservices
- Code is read many more times than written
- MobileApp Development with HTML/CSS/JS using RoR, Sinatra, Phonegap, Ripple, GruntJS and Coffeescript (HAML)
Summer BBQ (13.08. 19:00)
August Meetup (01.08. 19:30)
July Meetup (04.07. 19:30)
- Why Document Databases supercharge your app development
- AngularJS on Rails
- Deployment and Availability Patterns
- Writing your own zsh auto completion
June Meetup (06.06. 19:30)