Florian Gilcher (Argorak)
Freelancer (Available) CEO of @asquera. Heavily invested in the @ruby, @rust-lang and @elastic/@solr communities.
Organiser @eurucamp/@jrubyconf/@rustfest.
Your Topics
- eurucamp Reflection: The Diverse Limelight
- You can be part of the difference: dealing with bad players in communities
- Full Metal Rüst
- How DevRel is failing communities
- Criticizing git
- The ultimate yakshave
- Unicode, a 💌
- Mapping the Ruby world, an exercise in biased Cartography
- Full Metal Rüby
- Describe Objects with Virtus
- JRuby is not all roses - and what we can do about it
Visited Events
- April Meetup 2023
- Outdoors Social Gathering - July 2022
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - March 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - December 2020
- December Meetup 2019
- June Meetup 2018
- July Special BBQ Version
- May Meetup Anniversary 2016
- October Meetup 2015
- August Meetup 2015 (The grand rubyweek finale!)
- June Meetup 2015
- March meetup 2015
- January Meetup 2015
- December Meetup 2014
- November Meetup 2014
- June Meetup 2014
- Febuary Meetup
- November meetup